BioReign's CBD Complex

BioReigns is a 100% water soluble CBD formula. Tinctures and supplements help with anxiety, inflammation, sleep and energy. All natural, non-THC products.

CBD comes from the hemp plant. It is the same plant that THC is derived from, but does not produce the “high” associated with THC and does not have any negative side effects. CBD has been studied with regards to stress response, sleep, mood, immune response, inflammation, anxiety, energy and metabolism.

Scientists have found that phytocannabinoids (chemicals from the cannabis plant) interact with the the same receptors, enzymes and biochemical pathways the same way endocannabinoids (chemicals made by the body) do. It turns out we share these nuerochemicals with most members of the animal kingdom including mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and sea urchins. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) evolved over 600 million years ago.

The two main receptors of the ECS are the CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors are found in the brain and central nervous system. The CB1 receptors in the brain effect memory, mood, motor function and perception of pain. The CB1 receptors found in lower areas of the body effect pregancy, digestion, cardiovascular health and hormone production. CB2 receptors are mostly found on the cells of the immune system, moderating inflammation and the immune response. CB2 receptors deal with allergies, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.

CBD plays a role in the ECS by occupying the enzymes that break down cannabinoids along with binding to the transport proteins, leaving more endocannabinoids available. Some scientists believe in a endocannabinoid deficiency which leads to things like migraines, irritable bowel, and fibromyalgia.

All the functions of the ECS contribute to homeostasis, the body’s internal balance. CBD naturally supplements the human body to maintain imbalances. When in perfect form, the human body can heal itself.

Differences between hemp and marijuana


BioReign’s products the only water soluble CBD products available. The water solubility allows the product to be fully bioavailable yielding increased absorption into the body. BioReign does not bind the hemp biomass to create an oil like other companies, but instead binds every CBD compound to a water molecule… creating a CBD complex. CBD oil has a bioavailability of 6%-12%, while BioReign’s water soluble CBD complex has a bioavailability of 100%! Being 100% means the liver is not taxed.

BioReign Product Facts

*BioReign has the only CBD products that are water soluble, meaning they do not need an oil carrier.

*BioReign products are 100% bioavailable.

Check out the BioReign Products HERE.

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