Peacefully Playful Perspective

The title of this piece is derived from free writing prompts of the new moon (insight and what you are curious about), waxing crescent moon (peace), and the waxing gibbous moon (balance).

Over the weekend I attended a Gracechaser’s “Moon Magic, A Sacred Winter Retreat”. Kacie Mermendinoa created the Gracechasers, a woman who loves herself, her body and her spirit. A Gracechaser moves with grace, struts with sensuality and strides with sizzle. She can both love and care for herself and those around her. She has inner peace and radiates confidence, femininity, and grace. She has it all. She is 100% comfortable in her skin HOWEVER it looks because she knows that the secret to being peaceful, confident, and graceful comes from within. (Follow #gracechaser on social media)

I attend these types of events with the intention of connecting to my soul. The everyday routine, stresses, schedules, interactions all add to my minds chatter. This chatter distracts me from my soul. I need to remind myself to practice rituals, mantras, and feel my intuition. I am a soul in a human body… and the interference of this human-ness, neglects my soul.

Everyone has different means of connecting with their true self, to include the inner child. I can find my inner child in the jungle. She is running among the creatures of the forest and living in harmony with all that surrounds her. To call her to me, I use music, drums, kundalini, or nature. I was in a kundalini class that brought me in contact with my inner child. The music started out slow and with one drum. My mind’s eye drifted into an opening in a jungle. My inner child is usually alone, and as the music intensified, she came out alone. She realized that there were more children entering the clearing from the forest. They all thought they had been alone, but they were alone together. More drums entered the music and it became very loud. The children began walking together and started drumming together playfully. The creatures of the forest surrounded them as they joined together. They had found their tribe.

Weekends filled with rituals, meditations, breathe work, mantras, and journaling provide me with the space to grow and ground. The focus on moon phases remind to take it one month at a time. I do not need to figure out the next 10 years of my life. I can focus on one day, one month. By following my Rising Sun (mine is Sagittarius) on the zodiac circle, I can focus on a few aspects of life each month. At the end of a year, I will have been intentional is most aspects of my life.

Being among a group of women in a setting like this brings extra power. When everyone connects to their soul, we all move from human-doing to human beings again. Each woman gives another the space to be who they are– an amount of acceptance comes with that. There is magic in that.

If you are interested in a weekend like this, check out Kacie Meredino. The retreats are held at Camp DeWolf in Wading River, NY. This is a beautiful property overlooking the Long Island Sound. Meals are included. You will leave with your spiritual cup filled!

Kacie Meredino: Spiritual Teacher and Healer

Olivia Anne: Psychic, reiki master, jewelry designer, artist and musician.

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